two male construction workers cutting wood on construction site.


5 Tips To Finding Construction Apartment Leads


Finding new construction bids in 2021 has been a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. COVID19 and economic uncertainties have permeated into 2021, and that has made finding commercial construction bids difficult for many. But construction bid and lead generation websites like ours have given countless companies the ability to find leads and grow sales..

What’s more, by using construction bids found through qualified leads months before they are announced to the general public, you can stay ahead of your competition.  The following five tips will help you find worthwhile bids and support you with research on the bid opportunity.

Our apartment and commercial construction lead website can also help you with the construction project data you can target for the type of commercial construction projects you build. Please keep reading to learn more about finding apartment construction leads.

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You can spend a lot of time and effort trying to find a top website for your construction bid needs. But why do all that when there’s a streamlined website that can help you find what you need when you need it?  The Construct-A-Lead website finds commercial construction apartment projects can provide you with a user-friendly platform that gives you hidden and private projects.  

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All you have to do is set up your email notification system, become a subscriber, and you’ll be the first in line to know or bid on various commercial or residential construction bids. When you’re able to connect with key decision-makers, you are setting a path to your construction company’s success. 

There is no getting around the fact that being the first in the know on commercial construction bids substantially cuts down on your research time, dead-end phone calls, and wasted time asking every person you know about the latest construction opportunities.

By cutting down hugely inefficient time and effort, you can spend more time doing what you do best. What you do best is applying your skills to making your construction company a success.

Where to Find Construction Bids 

To better benefit from lead generation for B2B apartment construction bids, the solutions offered to you must fit your construction company’s expertise. Apartment construction leads consist of a very targeted area. Therefore, it’s essential to search on a website offering construction bids that you target that space in your lead gen funnel.

It’s not uncommon for construction companies today to need specialized marketing targets when searching for a construction bid data platform. That’s why when searching for apartment construction leads, you can benefit from the following five tips.

1. Technology Helps You Find Construction Bids

As we’ve discussed above, there may be no more useful tool than using technology benefits when needing apartment construction bids. By hiring a lead generation service for your commercial or residential construction company, you can pull ahead of your competition. It’s been proven to be one of the best ways to connect to potential clients in need of your construction services.

There were over 800,000 construction companies in the United States in 2019. The 800,000 construction companies are your competition, so you want to find a more successful online marketing strategy that puts you in a leadership position. It stands to reason that if you’re going to find the construction leads, then it’s a lead generation service that will help get you there.

What’s even better is most of the time, you only have to pay between $75 – $200 a month for the targeted leads you need in apartment construction projects.

2. Networking for Construction Leads is Still a Good Way to Find Construction Project Leads 

Networking is still a tried and true method that still exists even in the new world we live in with COVID19. You may not be able to network as much in person or one-on-one, but phone calls and emails still work. You can also even meet up when and if needed at construction sites, for lunch, or a commercial construction event or workshop being done virtually. 

Project managers and general contractors almost always need subcontractors for a current or future apartment or commercial construction project. That’s the time and place they turn to their network of people, companies, and skills they know they need. If they don’t know about you, how will they call or reach out to you when they need your apartment construction expertise?

Try to interact or volunteer with public or nonprofit construction projects like Habitat for Humanity. Interaction or volunteering can also raise your construction company profile. By boosting your profile, you’re able to network with some of the movers and shakers that build multi-family construction projects. 

3. Referral Networks Help Others Find Your Construction Company and Ring Your Bell

One of the best ways to find new apartment construction bids is when the apartment owners find you. How do construction bids come to you? Your target construction audience and users can find you through various referral networks.

Some of the best referral networks are ones you may already know about but don’t use. They include but aren’t limited to;

  • Angie’s List – Angie’s List is popular and has been in existence for over twenty years. That means they have a steady and growing group of consumers who turn to them when they need a particular service. Some of those include apartment building owners, general contractors, and more. 
  • Yelp – Yelp isn’t for just restaurants anymore. You may be surprised to find out that Yelp will showcase your business, and you can have past project customers leave feedback and reviews on your construction business.
  • Any Local Professional Online Magazine – Almost all the cities today offer popular websites that people go to when they want to find local news. Some of the information will be new building projects approved by the municipalities they live in.

Every time you take the opportunity to interact with community and professional or private businesses, you help give your construction company or skills a more robust profile. That stronger brand will help you increase your construction bid opportunities as well as your project funnel options.

4. Your Construction Company Website is How You Help Build Your Profile and Brand

It all starts with sales, and by having an optimized website for the construction company, you can target the audience demographics you want and need. You can offer a page on your website where your website users can ask you questions about construction planning stages or their project needs. You have to make your company’s website searchable and give it enough branding that you will have construction developers and more finding you for their next project.

Your website allows you to increase your company profile and allows you a way to capture your website users’ core information like their contact information. The blog on your website should use SEO keywords or backlinks to enable those in need of your services a way to find you. The content creation on your website and your blogs should be industry relevant and share your construction expertise level in building apartment projects.

Your blog doesn’t need to be lengthy or provide an academic narrative. But your blog should include some how-to articles and any of the latest and greatest news your company wants to share. You can list your apartment construction project accomplishments as a contractor or subcontractor.

5. Construction or Apartment Construction Project Referrals 

Never underestimate the power of a good referral or reference. Once you’ve listed your apartment or commercial construction project portfolio on your website, you can also list referrals and positive references. Together you have a winning marketing formula. Every apartment or commercial construction solution you offer up as a contractor or subcontractors can help provide your next set of leads. 

Pass out your business card everywhere you can think of, from restaurants to workshops. Volunteer to sit on the local Chamber of Commerce Board, or sign up to volunteer at high-profile community-building events like rodeos, trade shows, expos, and more. By raising your company’s awareness through your professional memberships or volunteering at events, your knowledge base can help build a bridge to your next group of customers.

How to Get Construction Projects?

You may be thinking that you’ve already done all of the above, and you still aren’t seeing a considerable turnaround or result to your company’s sales funnel. You might want to take it upon yourself to join a professional trade group or association. The Associated Builders and Contractors Trade Association (ABC) is a great networking tool for an apartment or commercial construction contractors and subcontractors.

You can even drill down to your unique and targeted expertise within the apartment or commercial contractor network. You could have a skill set or expertise in electrical as a commercial construction contractor. It’s then you may want to hook up with a trade organization like an electrical contractor association.

Construction Bids 

There are even business network associations and organizations that have national and international chapters you can join. Many of the associations are free, but once you join, they help you get the exposure you need to build your construction company brand awareness. The key to marketing begins and ends with exposure. 

If a potential customer cannot find you, then they cannot use you. If a potential customer can’t find out anything about you after finding you, they probably won’t use you. That’s why you need to join, reach out, volunteer, and sign-up for as many professional organizations as you can find time for in your busy life.

There are also always bidding process opportunities listed in various formats like a Furnished By Others (FBO) service.

How to Get Construction Bids? 

An FBO service is free and will send you email notifications every time your construction company fits the construction project profile in need. There are also commerce journals that list any local construction projects starting up or ongoing for you to pursue. You can also find a host of information from your local PTA center. 

Most PTA centers provide you with marketing products or services at cost or a significantly reduced price if you want to work on federal, state, local, or municipality construction projects. Many commercial construction companies struggle when they are trying to find project leads or bids that they can bid on. But there’s a solution available they may not think of, and it’s only a click or phone call away.

The solution is provided by Construct A Lead. Reach out to Construct A Lead when you’re ready to hit the ground running and find multiple apartments or commercial construction projects that meet your company’s skills and expertise. Construct A Lead offers free test drives to construction companies that want to find the bid they want at the costs they need.

Where to Go When You’re Seeking a New Construction Lead

Construct A Lead offers you a chance to find construction bids online by location, keyword, contact, or stage of the project. You can try out Construct A Lead by using their free test drive system. You may want to click over and discover that you can download customized project types you’ll want to review after just one click.

Every Construct A Lead plan comes with personalized training. You can even tap into vertical, state, or local markets at your discretion. Most of us like to think we can do it all, or by using our ways, we will find new projects and opportunities.

The reality is using a reputable, skilled, and knowledgeable construction lead service company like Construct A Lead, you give yourself one of the most significant advantages over your competition. It’s the advantage of having advanced time to consider a bid before it goes public and the ability to bid on a quality apartment or commercial construction bids. There’s no better way to bring your A-game to every lead you bid on! 

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