construction workers looking over blue prints in broken building structure.

Hotel Construction Leads | Construct-A-Lead
The challenge in finding commercial construction leads isn’t finding websites that provide the information. Instead, it is finding the right commercial construction lead service. There are now digital transformation solutions that offer you construction leads on everything from residential to commercial construction.

The challenge has become finding the type of construction leads you want and need. If you seek more information on finding commercial construction leads for hotels, you’ve come to the right place. Please keep reading if you want to learn more about the top thirteen tips you can use that will help you find commercial leads in hotels and other targeted commercial projects.

Finding Commercial Construction Leads

One of the most significant benefits available to construction companies is logging in and plugging into a construction database that offers them the particular type of commercial construction leads they are seeking. There are companies that provide commercial construction leads to their customers. However, finding a dynamic and comprehensive construction lead service for a targeted sector takes a lot more research.

Most construction companies have to bid about five to ten times before winning a commercial construction bid even with a solid lead. That means construction companies that seek commercial projects have to be savvy, know where to spend their money, and be able to use the resources provided in a smart and strategic way.

It is possible to find commercial construction leads for hotels if you know where to look for them. What’s more, you will find the information listed below that provides you with varied tips that both meet your construction lead research needs and can be matched to your commercial construction experience. 

#1 Find a Reputable and Knowledgeable Lead Service Company 

A reputable and knowledgeable lead service company understands that every commercial construction company has to spend a lot of time, money, and effort on research. Even when you find a couple of opportunities after expending all that time, you still may not win the bid. What if you could discover hotel commercial project opportunities while also being able to filter the type of hotel building specifics that can make your bid proposal more competitive?

Select companies provide commercial construction project leads that offer filtering capabilities that let you target a type of building or whatever specific criteria match your needs best. You can even find commercial construction lead companies that will send you alerts on hotel construction projects available for bid.

Customized Email Alert Service

Part of the above lead service company benefits is they send you the alerts through a customized alert email service. Some companies provide overall guidance on how you don’t want to come in too high because you won’t be competitive. But you can’t go in too low either, or else you can’t effectively and efficiently manage a hotel construction project.

The last thing you want to incur is a revenue loss for a commercial construction project that hurts your company’s day-to-day operations.

#2 Line Up The Future By Using a Top Website for Construction Bids 

Remember the old adage that states you should always look for a new job when you are still working at your old one? The same holds true for finding viable and worthy hotel construction leads. It’s always best to start using your top website for construction bids that are coming down the line in the near future. 

Finding an informed website solution that offers hotel projects that are in the pipeline gives you a head start in laying out a successful future. You don’t even have to win the bid that was previously offered to implement this strategy.

#3 When You Find a Hotel Construction Lead – Act Quickly

Nobody ever wins a race by sauntering along at a slow pace. The people who succeed in business are the ones who act quickly but strategically. That means when you find a construction bid lead that fits your hotel construction and your specific criteria abilities; you want to contact the source as soon as you can.

Commercial project leads get swamped with emails, phone calls, and requests that, more than often, they can’t weed their way through them all. That’s why once you have the hotel construction project lead in hand, you need to get in touch with the company as soon as possible. You want to tell them how your company’s capabilities, experience, and knowledge matches their hotel project construction needs.

#4 Commercial Construction Leads and the Federal Government

The federal government builds projects almost every day of the year. The federal government also has commercial construction projects they offer to interested companies through a Request for Proposal (RFP) bid system. If you’re interested in becoming a federal contractor, this may be an avenue you want to seek out. 

Most of the time, you can google your city or area, and a list of bid invitations or RFPs will be listed. If you want a head start for relevant research for construction leads that meets your company’s objectives, some government RFPs or bids are listed on the GSA. You can check out the GSA, which offers more detailed information on how to become a government federal contractor

#5 Reach Out to Architects and Developers 

The people who know about upcoming hotel construction projects are the ones who are funding or designing them. Developers and architects work hand-in-hand many times because they need the commercial construction project to be one of quality and cost-efficient. Architects and developers are sometimes the gatekeepers for commercial construction projects.

If you know of some architects and developers, this is not the time to be shy. You want to reach out to the professional organizations of architects and developers. When you reach them, you want to tell them why they need to hire you as contractors or subcontractors.

You also want to list your specific experience that meets or exceeds their hotel project commercial project. 

#6  Commercial Construction Leads and Financial Institutions

Most developers don’t have the kind of floating cash assets needed to build a commercial project. That means most hotel commercial projects are funded by a financial institution that’s usually a bank or mortgage broker. You can find many hotel construction projects by reaching out to several financial institutions or mortgage brokers.

The financial institutions ensure that commercial hotel construction projects are of low risk with profitable returns. If you can convince them that you are able to assist with the low risk and maximize profit, you will have a new resource to find the hotel construction projects you want.

#7 The Newest Technology in 3D Rendering

It might be the most unique way to get construction leads, but it’s also one that not many people know about. Almost every investor or architect includes 3D renderings of their hotel projects. That means if you make contact with the ones in your targeted areas, you might find out about hotel projects before they are even publicized.

Sometimes commercial construction contractors are even able to secure a future hotel project by negotiating a cost-plus contract.

#8 Subcontractors Also Work Hotel Construction Projects

You have an asset you may not realize you possess if you’ve been in the construction business for a while, and you’ve built up a knowledge base of subcontractors that work commercial construction projects. It is almost always beneficial to reach out to your previous subcontractor contacts and find out if they are actively working on a hotel construction project. If you find the subcontractors working on a hotel commercial construction project, it’s almost a sure thing that there is a developer who may have other projects in the works you can find out about.

#9 Property Intelligence

Much like any federal intelligence agency personnel, you can use property intelligence reports to see recently purchased commercial property owners. When owners or developers buy a commercial property, they inevitably leave an information trail for you to follow in discerning what they will build. Often you only have to go back 90 days or thereabout to find a few viable and targeted construction leads you can use.

#10 Create Your Own SEO Content Website  

If you’re in the commercial construction industry, you probably already have a website. But you may not have a website that markets and builds your website users unless you’re using SEO content to drive up your Google ranking. Creating SEO content can help establish yourselves in the hotel commercial construction industry. 

That means your website brings high value to your customers, and some developers in need will find you and reach out to you. You may not have to go after quite as many construction leads if you find a way to attract them to your website, expertise skills, and hotel construction knowledge.

#11 Hotel Construction Industry Events

Every industry has events and outreach meetings that you can find and join. In a post-COVID-19 world, these events may be at a specific location where you can mingle and get your company and name out to the participants. Even if the industry events are not being held online through Zoom or Skype, it still behooves you to sign up for them because the participants can offer a large market span of hotel construction options.

Some entities that offer hotel construction industry events are the Chamber of Commerce IMN,  the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC) NAIOP, and others.

#12 Statistical Reports

There are lists of new hotel construction projects which provide you with the top developers every month, quarter, and year. If you find a resource that concentrates on statistical or finances, you will target an area by the number of rooms developed as of a date you select. Every financial resource from the Wall Street Journal to Statista will give you a list of developer names and how much money was expended in hotel room construction during a time frame you designate.

#13 Reach Out to Commercial Real Estate Services and Investment Firms 

Commercial real estate services and investment firms offer a plethora of information, data, and project statistics for various commercial hotel properties. They can provide recent property sales, what developments are getting ready to start, and other commercial construction information you need to find the best construction leads. 

There is one company that can provide you with integrated construction bid services. You will never miss another construction project lead again. By using an extensive CRM system, you’re able to sort by location, by bid stage, and any other detailed criteria you determine to be useful. 

The Way Forward in Finding Construction Bids Online

Construct-A-Lead offers you detailed reports that you can personalize with your own notes to better assess your own track record. Construct-A-Lead even provides a one-touch Excel spreadsheet for easy sorting of your project information with upload capabilities. You won’t miss any project alerts or real-time project updates you need by offering very integrated marketing tools.

It’s up to you to decide how you want to receive your weekly project alerts or bid on projects listed in the database on a continual basis. By being tenacious, you are able to contact every resource opportunity you find on Construct-A-Lead. Reach out to Construct-A-Lead for a free test drive in finding commercial construction leads. 

You’ll never be able to grow and develop to your commercial construction potential if you don’t go after the hotel construction leads open to you. Every construction lead you go after is a chance to become the successful company you want.

To find the best construction bids out there, contact us. We’d love to give you a free test drive of our software. You can plug in your information and then look at five projects that fit your needs for free. 

If you like what you see, you can sign up for our services on our website. We have tiered plans focused on where you want to find your bids. Check out our site today.

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