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  • man holding tablet while looking at construction site.

    The Key Points Your Customers Care About in a Construction Bid

    Published On: 10/19/2020

    Who knew that, when you took on a lifetime of working with your hands (and expensive tools), you'd also have to maintain a certain mastery of the English language?  Well, the key to a [...]

  • two construction workers holding hats and blueprints.

    How to Find the Right Construction Jobs for Bid Before Your Competition Does

    Published On: 10/19/2020

    If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you have to get the best construction bids. Understanding how to go about getting those bids can be difficult, but there are several strategies that you [...]

  • construction workers silhouette on blue sky.

    Overcoming Obstacles To Securing Construction Bids

    Published On: 10/09/2020

    Construction vendors must focus on the fundamentals of lead generation. It is always the right time to take a moment and refocus on the fundamentals. That goes for basketball, poker and, especially, in developing leads [...]

  • construction worker on a computer.

    Securing Bids in the Healthcare Industry

    Published On: 10/02/2020

    Have you noticed that it seems as though your local hospital always has some sort of construction going on? That perception is really close to reality. Hospitals are constantly updating and expanding to stay abreast [...]

  • An Insider’s Guide on How To Find Construction Bids

    Published On: 07/09/2020

    There is nothing easy about getting new leads in the construction industry, especially in a world that's dealing with a pandemic or recession. During economic good times, the B2B construction marketplace may see two [...]

  • The Ultimate Guide to B2B Lead Generation for Construction Businesses

    Published On: 07/09/2020

    If you're trying to grow a construction business, you may fear that you have your work cut out for you. With over 7 million employees and nearly $1.3 trillion in annual revenue, the construction [...]

  • More Work and Happier Customers: Building Relationships With Clients

    Published On: 05/30/2020

    If you're among the more than 680,000 construction company employers in the US, then you know what it takes to be successful in the second-largest construction industry on the globe. However, while you have full knowledge [...]

  • 5 Crucial Tips to Help You Win a Bid On Construction Jobs

    Published On: 05/30/2020

    If you're in the construction business, you may want to know that 75% of construction businesses survive their first year. That percentage drops down to 65% by the second year. In year five, only 35% [...]

  • Working From Home Amid COVID-19? Here’s How to Prospect Construction Project Leads

    Published On: 04/17/2020

    Working From Home Amid COVID 19 This global pandemic is causing unprecedented times for everyone's personal lives and careers. If you're in the construction industry, it can be a worrisome time where [...]

  • How To Get Free Construction Leads?

    Published On: 04/08/2020

    Take a test drive with us. Contractors, subcontractors, and vendors interested in experiencing the planet's best construction lead generation site can now do so with our 5 Free Construction Leads test drive. How can we [...]

  • “Essential” Construction Projects

    Published On: 04/06/2020

    What you need to know about construction projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. As with all industries, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the construction industry. As workers worldwide scramble to the new reality [...]

  • Creative Ways To Find New Construction Leads

    Published On: 03/06/2020

    How to be creative and find new construction leads for your company. Go beyond traditional methods to find new construction leads for your company.   They key to operating a successful construction business [...]